Title sequence brief

Target Audience:

 My target audience will mainly be passive. My title sequence will help excite my passive target audience by creating an illusion of the characters with the settings which will bring the audiences attention when watching it. This would also will want them to research on how was this even possible to make as it is something they haven't really seen before. The locations and characters also guides the viewers on the type of genre it will be which helps to engage and helps to excite the audience. This also will help target the 18+ audiences as the detail and tone of the colour helps bring an image in their heads which in my case this title sequence I'll be making is going to be a crime drama/ serial drama. Lastly the names of the characters would have a fade effect which will help engage with the audiences more as it appears and disappears. 

What is manageable:

In order for my initial idea to be manageable, I'll need to make sure the whole editing process is doable as well as getting ideas on how the characters will act in my title sequence in order to let the audience know what type of person the character is and how it links to the genre of the show. I'll be using a camera which will mostly be borrowing from college or better off taking the pictures in College for the green screen. I will borrow some clips online if needed for the green screen.

Initial Ideas:

As of my initial ideas, I would like to create my title sequence based as a detective theme in which is what my show will be. I'll be using a double exposure effect like how True Detective have done but with my very own design. I'll be using some dust particles in the background of where the characters outline will appear with the double exposure effect. This will help entertain my target audience as the detail and tone of the colour helps bring an image in their heads which in my case this title sequence I'll be making is going to be a crime drama/ serial drama. The locations and characters will also guide the viewers on the type of genre it will be which helps to engage and helps to excite the audience. 

What will "Success" look like to you:

In order for my work to be successful it will have to follow my planning as well as creating multiple of test footage of edits and seeing what can I improve upon and what doesn't need to be improved on and how this can relate towards the target audience. Overall this will help me achieve the success of my finished project as I am able to show off the skills I've followed along with my planning and how it targets my target audience.


As of research I have found many ways in order to create a double exposure effect in my very own title sequence as well as creating a fade effect onto my words to create the extra attention to detail.

First example is the use of double exposure. I have already made one my self by trying it out which turned out very nicely and this will be a major factor towards my title sequence. This has inspired me to create something like this is a show called Tue Detective where in their title sequence they used double exposure very effectively. 

Here is my attempt on creating my own version:

The other part in my editing process will be the text fading away but in my case it will be a sand effect which will help blend in nicely with the background as there will be dust particles flying around in a sandy colour however, the text will be black in order to be readable. Here is the video I'll be using to help me create it:

Lastly my other research that I've found is the ending title cinematic animation where I'll be following along this video that I've with my version of it. This will make it very appealing for my target audience and how the name of my title sequence relate to what is going on in that title cinematic. Instead of a plank of wood I may instead use a book and try and use it that way in order to link it to my theme.

Example designs:

Mock up example 1:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 2:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 3:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 4:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 5:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 6:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 7:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 8:
Version 1:

Version 2:
