Research/ Pre Production work

1.) What are the characteristics of the target​ audience for these Opening Title sequences?

True Detective:

For True Detective, the age characteristics would be aimed mainly the age over eighteen as the opening of the title sequence does exploit some adult content as well as themes which is why it makes sense that it is targeted towards 18+. The opening title sequence doesn't target a specific target nor to any particular gender for its gender characteristics of the audience, as a result this would be for all genders. As of its characteristic lifestyle towards the audiences would be of those who live in a diffident lifestyle with additional drama genres or even crime as shown in the opening title which could lure and question themselves of an unfamiliar world they live in. Lastly the interest characteristics of the audience members are those who are heavily into films and shows about crime and drama based as well as reading or watching about these types of genres which links to this title sequence on how it reflects heavily about drama and crimes.


For Vikings, the age characteristics would be aimed mainly towards the age over eighteen as the opening of the title sequence shows somewhat graphical content by using a crow in a part as well as the ending of that title sequence shows the title with blood on a sword which already tells us that it isn't suitable for the younger audience. The opening title sequence focuses on the location and atmosphere of its series which would make it suitable for any gender as it doesn't focus on them but more on the locations ect. As of its characteristic lifestyle, this would be to those who are diffident or even maybe who is confident as this is a drama based genre which would target anyone's lifestyle. Lastly the interest characteristics of the audience members are those who love reading or even watching shows, reading books, watch documentary and even watch films that connect the whole drama genre, historical genre and even the Viking period as the show is about Vikings.

Game Of Thrones:

For Game Of Thrones, the age characteristics would be aimed towards the age over eighteen as the opening title sequence shows in depth context which doesn't really appeal to the younger audiences but more for adult audiences. The opening title sequence focuses on its landscape and setting for its series rather than its genders which makes it suitable for any genders. As of its characteristic lifestyles, this would be to those who are diffident and also confident because of its genre being based as an fantasy genre which would focus a majority amount of people. Lastly the interest characteristics of the audience members are those who enjoy reading any types of fantasy fiction or non fiction books, films, T.V., ect.

Breaking Bad:

For Breaking Bad, the age characteristics would be aimed towards sixteen and above as the opening title sequence does show some dark tone of mysteriousness which would suit for those types of audiences at that age. The opening title sequence focuses on its style which a dark tone to suit its genre so overall this will be suitable for any gender as it doesn't reflect on any gender specifically. As of its characteristic lifestyles, this would be to those who are both diffident and confident as this title sequence manages to show its accessibility throughout those types of audiences. Lastly the interest characteristics of the audience members are those who enjoy and engage heavily towards crime and drama for instance in books, films, ect.


For Daredevil, the age characteristics would be aimed towards twelve year olds and above as it doesn't show any graphical images nor does it show any adult focus themes however, it does show a little bit of dark humour due to there being blood and also a devil reference due to the characters horns. The opening title sequence focuses on the location and the theme of the genre rather than the audiences genders which makes it open to any gender. As of its characteristic lifestyles, this would be mainly aimed at to those who are able to escape from reality and settle into the superhero world where everything is fictional. Lastly the interest characteristics of the audience members are those who are heavily into made up characters of superhero fiction based e.g. in films, comics, games, ect.

Stranger Things:
For Stranger Things, the age characteristics would be aimed towards twelve year olds as the title sequence doesn't show any nudity, strong violent images nor graphical which makes it kid friendly at least but there are parts which makes makes it a but of a dark tone which may not be suitable for some of the younger audiences. The opening title sequence focuses on its title and nothing else, as a result this would be for all genders. As of its characteristic lifestyles, this would be mainly aimed at people who enjoy the simplicity and that is not referencing towards an audience. Lastly the interest characteristics of the audience members are those who enjoy made up characters that also enjoy science fiction genres such as films, books, documentaries ect.

Title sequence-Analyse the characteristics of the audience:

Simpsons title sequence (1989)
opening title sequence

As of age, this Simpsons opening title sequence is a kids friendly opening title sequence
 yet being shown at around 7/8pm which places to the adult stage of watching tv yet teenagers like it a lot. In the 90s allot of the children weren't allowed to watch it and some kids could get grounded for just watching it. However, the show is mainly targeted at eighteen years of age too around fifty years of age as the shows are set in adult times on T.V. as the show does consist adult humour and some dark humour ect.

As of gender, the title sequence is aimed at any gender as it is focusing on its theme as well as the location of where it is set. This however, makes it accessible to all genders throughout the series which makes it not stereotypical towards the genders.

As of lifestyle, this would be mainly aimed at people who came from the Fox Broadcasting Company other shows, will probably include young, hip viewers who have emerged as Fox's target audience. And those who go for the show will doubtless go for "The Simpsons" merchandise, which includes T shirts, sleepwear and even a Bart talking doll.

Favourite book/ film/ game:
As of its genre, this title sequence will target to those who enjoy animated sitcom T.V. shows, films, related books, comics and games. There are plenty of comics for Simpsons which will target allot of the die hard fans especially a Simpsons game that is similar to gta but more friendly.

Something they like to do at the weekend:
The audiences varies as allot are young and allot are adults. Allot will like to watch The Simpsons when its on the T.V. which is on a Sunday. Most would spend time going out with their friends, work, play games online or just relax. Everyone was obsessed with the whole inventions of T.V'S ect which will glue the younger audiences more to them.

Where they go on holiday:
I don't know 100% but if they're a die-hard fan of The Simpsons then they would of course attend some kind of Simpsons theme somewhere in a country that they could visit. Not only just for The Simpsons but for holiday wise in general could be France or Spain if they were to live in the U.K. as it is a popular touristic destination for the U.K.

As of worries, allot of the younger audiences watch The Simpsons however, their parents would mostly not allow them to watch it just because, the show isn't for them to watch as there are adult humour and also dark humour which isn't suitable for the younger audience which is why the parents would worry about this as they don't want their children to see all of that as they're too young.

Most of the audiences are mostly doing regular jobs which I'm referring towards the adults. Where as teenagers, they would mostly have some kind of part time job where they could be cleaning in restaurants, cafes, supermarket shops and any other small businesses they can help out to get money. There are also rich people who watch it but there isn't as many.

Dress sense:
As of dress sense, people would be wearing their normal cloths for their day to day life or just cloths for sitting in the house. However, die-hard fans would be wearing T shirts, sleepwear merchandise that is from the Simpsons.

As of politics it is a very common theme in the animated T.V. series The Simpsons, and this phenomenon has had some crossover with real American politics. American conservatives voiced opposition to the show early in its run, when it was still controversial for is crude humour and irreverent take on family values.

Spending Power:
As of this T.V. series we can see it is aimed at working class people. However, teenagers also watch it and most would be doing part time jobs. This will then however, will allow to get possibly £50-£200 a month depending on the job and age. this will however give them roughly £20-£40 to spend every weekend. They could spend on things such as clothing's, items of The Simpsons, gadgets, going out with loved ones, restaurants, cinemas, ect.... Overall this makes it a good amount of money savings that they could use and spend every weekend.

3.) Title sequence research task:
Documentary one:
1A)Detail at least two elements from your first chosen documentary that has aided you in constructing your initial ideas:

True Detectives title sequence uses a double exposure effect in its title sequence where it shows two things at once for instance using the characters body and then adding a location inside of the body making the character see through only leaving the outline of the character. The tone of the colours has also aided in me in constructing my initial ideas as this would heavily help out what sort of colours are needed for my type of genre. Reason why this is helpful is that the whole tone of the colour helps set the mood of what type of show it is going to be and how it can help give a better understanding towards the viewers. Some of the characters faces are also not show but are replaced by the setting. I found this very effected as it shows the importance of that character there for having to hide it to not spoil who he is which emphasises their importance as this would also question the audiences who this person could be to why it is hidden.
Overall, having borrowing these ideas for my own title sequence would help by telling the audience what the show is going to be about and showing glimpse of certain parts but not many so that they would know what the show is going to be about and also have a better understanding on what is to come.

Detail how these ideas will be utilised to engage and excite a target audience. Use information around audience types:

These ideas will be utilised to engage and excite a target audience by creating an illusion of the characters with the settings which will bring the audiences attention when watching it. This would also will want them to research on how was this even possible to make as it is something they haven't really seen before. The locations and characters also guides the viewers on the type of genre it will be which helps to engage and helps to excite the audience. This also will help target the 18+ audiences as the detail and tone of the colour helps bring an image in their heads which in my case this title sequence I'll be making is going to be a crime drama/ serial drama. Lastly the names of the characters would have a fade effect which will help engage with the audiences more as it appears and disappears. 

Detail at least two elements from your first chosen documentary that has aided you in constructing your initial ideas:
Still images 

Luther's title sequence uses a different approach where all of the images are still images and the music is sluggish throughout the clip with effects to transition to other shots and settings. The additional tone of the colours has also made if very appealing to watch by only using red and yellow and a combination of both at the same time. This is something that I could experiment in my own title sequence where I would only use still images but the effects are the only thing that moves which helps to give more attention for the viewers interest and how it can relate to what type of theme this show is. In this title sequence the main character is also blacked out and only a glimpse of his face is shown at the end of the title sequence to show that he is the main character throughout all of this show. This helps by making the audience think who the person could be. The music in this title sequence is a slow beat that is also catchy. A catchy music is a must to when they hear that music again they'll recognise it from that show which is stuck in their heads meaning that if they're also humming with the beat of the music then it goes to show that you've successfully giving interest towards the viewer. 
Overall, having borrowing these ideas for my own title sequence, this will allow me to create a well organised and detailed approach when it comes to telling what type of genre it is going to be, who the characters are and what type of setting and theme it is going to be.

Detail how these ideas will be utilised to engage and excite a target audience. Use information around audience types:

These ideas will be utilised to create interest towards the viewers and making it as if the images are moving in the title sequence by making an illusion however, the only thing that is moving is the effects. The location and themes will also be beneficial for me as I'll have to already make the viewers to understand what type of show it is going to be and give them an understanding of what there is to come in the show for instance what type of links that symbolises that specific image ect. This also will help target the 18+ audiences as the detail and tone of the colour helps bring an image in their heads which in my case this title sequence I'll be making is going to be a crime drama/ serial drama. Lastly I'll be sticking with a fade effect for the names of the characters, editors ect as it helps to engage the level of detail towards the audience. 

Initial Ideas:
Why would your target audience enjoy your title sequence?
I believe my target audience will enjoy my type of title sequence is because, the level of detail and style it will give out as well as the information it will give out when watching it which will give a better understanding on what the show is about and how creative the title sequence is. I also believe that for my target audience, they'll enjoy the whole colour scheme that helps fit the genre of my show as well as the way I'll be editing by adding two images at once with additional effects. The colour scheme I'll be going for are is black, red, white, grey and a sandy colour in which helps to connotate towards the theme of my show. This will also help symbolise the reasoning to why those colours were picked as well as how this explores the themes of this show which is a dark type theme.

Another reason to why I think my target audience would enjoy my title sequence is the use of specific props. The props are essential for the characters when it comes to describing what type of character they're and what it could possibly mean in the show. This would also help symbolise the type of person they're and what type of religion it could be also. The props can also mean how they're dressed which in my case, they'll have a detective style outfit.

Last example to why I think my target audience would enjoy is because I will want to make the audiences think and imagine who this person could be behind the black outline of the character as the characters faces wont be really shown especially the main killer. Thus overall makes it engaging  which will want them to physically watch the tv series in order to find out.

Overall I intend to attract the audiences through making the series pretty intense so that the audiences want to continue watching as they're curious as to what'll happen next. This will be done by each main character being affected by an obstacle but they would need to figure out how to tackle it.

What will they learn about your show?
My target audience will learn how to trust one another in order to succeed and to choose the correct path. This is something they should consider because, their actions are all surrounding the trust for one another as well as in my "show". So the question they should be asking themselves is how much trust is needed to be sure they can be trusted ect. Another thing my target audience will learn is a relationship with other people. Not a loving relationship but a friendship relationship. They will learn from this from my show because, a relationship between characters is key in my show so that the audiences can witness whether the relationships will break or gets fixed later on the episodes.

My target audience will also learn how this specific genre helps to show and understanding that murderers/ psychopaths are around and are killing innocent people. I would use specific images that relates to murder and death using images such as a figure print which connotates the element of the shows genre and theme.

What symbolism, connotation and denotation is used to convey meaning to the audience?
As of symbolism, the images and colour throughout my title sequence will help me achieve the themes that shows symbolism throughout my title sequence. For instance starting with the colour scheme, I'll be using black and red to show both darkness as well as well as the deaths and the evilness this psycho path is doing to these innocent people. The darkness can also set the type of mood in which it is located for instance a place that is constantly having rubbish rainy weathers as the day is a bit darker to the dark clouds blocking out the sun. The other 3 colours however, sets the mood of the genre of this show. It also gives it that old school looking detective show which also helps direct towards what type of show it will be. Not only colour but also how the images that are shown in my title sequence will also relate and symbolise something in particular which will also help to tell what type of theme this show is going to be about.

The other use of symbolism that will be used is the protagonists by making him link as much and not too much in depth to how he is a detective/ FBI agent. There will be images that will help relate towards the protagonist as well as setting the type of mood they're located in for the location. Not only that but other linked images that shows what he goes through also or something.

Lastly the book is the major key factor behind all of this in my show as it symbolises death or pre murder which belongs to the serial killer. Reason being is that the serial killer thinks about doing these things beforehand as if it's a pre murder and he writes these books and the books he writes sell tremendously because he's so passionate about how he wants to kill people the ways that he wants to do with the motives behind what he is doing which reflects back to the colour scheme of darkness and evilness or even just out of your mind.

How does your title sequence connect to the genre, theme and story of the TV show? How is it clear to the audience?
A more detective and drama genre have influenced me. For instance, there is a game that is a story-based game that consists a detective theme with drama theme in it. This however has given me ides to add a serial killer. In my TV show I have written about a child getting kidnapped by the serial killer which is unique to any other detective films that is set in the US. I have used genre conventions to help attract an audience for my TV show by making a simple understanding of a TV show but can make it appealing for the audiences to carry on watching it.

Another example in which it connects to the genre, theme and story of my TV show is by the use of colour which represents the whole setting and the mood of the show. This will make things clearer when the audience watches it to give a understanding of what type of feeling it is. The props will also however, give detail and an explanation to why a certain character might be holding a specific item that suits for them. For instance a detective with a magnifying glass which represents him as being a detective. Using props allows the audience to think and understand quickly to who what type of character they're.

The locations/ settings will also be shown in my title sequence where this will also allow to show the shows themes as well as its genre. This would show where this show is located and how to conveys towards its genre.

Target Audience:
Primary and secondary audience:
Primary Audience:
15-18 year olds would be my primary audience for this show as it would appeal to those who are interested in drama and detective genres with additional crime in it. Allot of people leaving secondary to then going into college would understand more about these types of TV shows rather than the younger aged teenagers as these types of shows can show interest to those who inspire people as detectives and to what its like being a detective in those types of situations. 

My primary audience will also consist people who watch drama, crime and detective genres as these would heavily persuade them to catch their attention when watching something they enjoy.

Lastly as of genders, the most dominant gender would be men. Reason being is that the characters mainly focus of mail characters rather than the female characters and the show is going to be what men would enjoy most rather than females. The visuals will also catch the male audiences attention however, there isn't a specific target audience when it comes to gender but more men enjoy these types of genres than women.

Secondary Audience:
As of my secondary audiences, these would heavily draw attention towards adults at ages at 19-40. Reasoning to why it appeals to that age group is because, older ages are more interested in these specific genres as its entertaining for them but not just entertaining but the level of detail that appeals to them also. They may have also grew up and acted as detectives when they were younger which could give them some kind of of nostalgic feeling when watching it. They might also think back to other detective shows they've watched and enjoyed and would like to watch another similar detective show.

Types of audience:
Overall I intend to attract the audiences to those who are heavily into shows that have cliff hangers, interesting story line as well as making it very intense in order to make them wanting to carry on with the show. Reason being is that they'll want to find out the answers in the next series. This will be done by making the protagonist getting affected by an obstacle but they'll need to figure out and how to tackle it. An example of a different range of target audience is another show that is called "Luther". It compares very well with my show because they're both linked into detective and having also having a similar target audience to my show. They both have clues of a recent murder that took place which links well together with my show. Overall the target audience would be similar.

3 Mood boards:

Setting mood board:
For this mood board I've created consists of the setting of what type of location my title sequence will consist and how it can relate to the show.

Character Mood Board:
For this mood board that I've created,  consists of the type of characters that will be represented in my title sequence which will also show what kind of person they're in their respective outfits. 

Theme Mood Board:
For this mood board I've created, shows what type of theme my title sequence will consist and how it will relate to the genre of the show.

2 Story Boards (Sorry for my terrible drawings):
Story Board 1:
For my first story board, I've shown ideas of what I could implement into my actual title sequence.

Story Board 2:
For my second story board, I've also shown what types of ideas I'll be using throughout my title sequence and how this can also help me when producing the real thing.

Music choice:

Did you try your best 
by Alec Slayne:

2 one page scripts:
Script 1 for my first story board:

Script 2 for my second story board:
Both of the scripts I've included some more shots to what I had on my story board.

Create a multitude of title sequence designs:
Here are some of my very own title sequence designs that I've made in Photoshop to illustrate what kind of product I'll be producing which I'll be using similar to what I've created here:
All this allows me to have a much better understanding of the type of design I will be creating for my title sequence. All of this has show what the genre of the show is, what the name of the show is and how all the characters are represented and who they're. Again I created all this my self.

Example designs:

Mock up example 1:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 2:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 3:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 4:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 5:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 6:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 7:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Mock up example 8:
Version 1:

Version 2:

Technical Proposal questions:

a) What are the digital effects and art style to be used in creating your title sequence? How will this engage an audience?

The digital effect I'll be using to create my title sequence will consist a few effects.

My first effect I'll be using is black smoke. What I'll be doing with the black smoke is by implementing it to the serial killer which will be only showing the darkness of his outfit and hidden face by the hoodie. The smoke will be added by halving the serial killer vertically and on the right hand side will be removed and replaced with a setting with black smoke for the outline of the removed part of that character. The black smoke will help to show his evilness and to what type of person he is. This will help engage the audience because, it makes people question to what type of character this person is and why there is black smoke coming off of him which will help describe the type of character he is and how it can make people more intrigued to what he does throughout the show.

I'll also be using dust particle effects to liven up the whole atmosphere with small mounts of detail as well as some flames for a few seconds. The dust particles will be shown throughout the whole part of the title sequence for the background which will help engage the audience as it helps describe the type of theme this show is as well as making it appealing to watch.

I'll also most likely implement a cracked mirror to symbolise bad luck towards the character that will have a cracked mirror in the background of the characters movement. Reason being is that he is the protagonist that has also been targeted by the serial killer. This will help engage the audience further by questioning themselves to what the reason being for this.

I'll also be adding fire at the end of my title sequence of when the paper in the background is slowly burning away. This can resemble someone trying to hide evidence which links heavily towards the whole genre of my show as well as my title sequence. This helps to engage the target audience as it makes it very appealing to watch for the audience as well as to why the paper with words is begin burnt away.

Last but not least, the major effect that will be used in this whole title sequence is the use of double exposure which helps enhances the whole story telling on what this show could be about but showing two things at once such as the character and a location or object. The double exposure will be the main key in which will help engage my audience because, there are two things going on at once inside of the characters outline. Firstly the settings will help give an understanding towards my target audience to what type of locations they will be and how it reflects towards the genre. The other example is the characters and how it can appeal the target audience by questioning themselves and what importance do those characters have throughout the show.

b) What is the title sequence trying to convey and how does it connect to a target audience?

My title sequence will convey the use of hatred towards the characters as well as for the audience when actually watching the "show". It is also showing how hard the protagonists life is by showing shorts clips of what he does as a job this could relate to some of the target audiences also as they could also be experiencing a hard time working at a specific job. 

The colour, props, setting in my title sequence will each represent its specific theme. This will allow for my audience to connect with the genre by showing each image to what they symbolise.

My title sequence will also be set at least 10 years back to give my audience a more crime/ detective feel when watching my title sequence. This allows for me to use much more recognisable props in my title sequence and to give an easier understanding for my target audience and how it could be appealing to watch something that's based 10 years back rather than the present.

c) How will the visual effects work to create a dynamic and visually arresting title sequence for a target audience?

My visual effects will be shown as the setting which will be mainly the rainy weather. Reason being is that the rain is what's going to help set the theme of my show and it can relate to the characters moods ect. Another thing is the use of smoke. I'll be using black smoke as well as white smoke. Starting with black smoke, the black smoke will be coming out of the other half of the serial killer to symbolise hatred as well as evilness. And with the white smoke, it is there to show the good side of things and can also show mysteriousness. This will help engage my target audience because, it allows to express their emotions by engaging by the type of weather it will be and how the use of certain coloured smokes helps my target audience to imagine and question to why these 2 specific colours are being shown and to what extent makes this link.

Ill be using a fire visual effect in order to resemble hatred from the character. This can also allow me to turn the whole thing to red and black for that few second part of the title sequence which will allow me to make it really stand out by changing colours. This overall will help give my target audience a better understanding to why these colours in particular are being shown as it can also connect to the times when my target audiences were at a stage that they have been very angry which links well to the whole fire effect to show hatred.

Lastly I'll be using double exposure effect and re creating that to my own types of details ect. This will allow me to use the character or animal and have a prop or settings inside of the character whilst the character is see through. This will give allot of interest towards my target audience as they can see and identify what's going on as well as who the characters are but some will be hidden as in blacked out characters or just the face being hidden.

d) What materials will you need?

As of props I'll be needing a magnifying glass in order to represent the character to who they're. As well as for using the prop for having an object laying on the ground for some kind of cinematic type shot. I'll also need some kind of detective type clothing also but if not I might have to think of a different clothing for them as you wont really see their clothing's as much but the outline you will. I wont be making any purchases as its a one time thing so I'll use whatever I have to make this work. This can engage the audience because, its a more modern type genre where not everyone is in fancy detective suits but more in their ordinary cloths except for some who will have some kind of detective outfit.

Another prop I'll be using is pictures of people who the serial killer has killed burning in the fire slowly. This will just show who this serial killer has targeted and killed them which can draw allot more attention for the viewers.

e) What technical equipment will be used? e.g. Cameras, visual effects software, etc.

As of technical equipment, I'll be using a camera and a tripod to help capture the characters movements for green screening. I'll also be taking pictures on my phone of more locations in Cambridge to set the scene. Lastly I'll be using adobe after effects to create each scene for the title sequence and then in premier pro I'll be adding them all together to create a finished product.

f) How will you ensure that your title sequence’s genre, theme and story is clear to understand for a target audience in relation to the visual effects and TV show itself.

In order to make sure my title sequence represents the theme and genre of the story, I'll have to make it so that it links to the genre of the show which is a crime/ detective by showing and representing each character and how it links and symbolises to the crime/ detective genres. The props will be a major factor also in my title sequence which will help the target audience to understand what is happening and who that person is.

Lastly, for my setting, this will help allot for the target audience to guide them to show what type of theme it will be and where it could be possibly set as this all links to the "show" and how it reflects to its genre.
